How to Conduct a Voter Registration Drive in Your Church – English
How to Do a Voter Registration Drive in Your Church (Bilingual):
Como Hacer Una Campana Simple Para Registrase Para Votar en su Iglesia
Materials and Information to Help with Your Voter Registration Drive:
Materials and Ideas for Your Voter Registration Table at Your Church:

Materials for Your Voter Registration Table:

Voter Guides
Free Voter Guides can be found at:

complete version of Party Platform Comparisons

Candidate Scorecards (information regarding the Candidates’ Voting Records as related to Family and Biblical values) Scorecards can be found at:
State of Texas candidates: Texas Values:
National Level Candidates:
Voter Registration Forms (provided by your County Elections Department)
Stay Legal:
Liberty Counsel Political and Legislative Guidelines for Pastors and Churches
Family Research Council’s Voter Impact Toolkit has handy little cards with info on what pastors and churches can legally do in relation to Elections.
Churches and Elections—What is the Law?
Information from the Black Robe Regiment:
Additional Resources:
Sermon starters and additional information for Pastors:
Liberty Counsel Political and Legislative Guidelines for Pastors and Churches
To Find Candidate’s Position regarding Biblical values:
Voter Guides:
State of Texas candidates: Texas Values:
National Level Candidates:
To find Voting Records of candidates: