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    Hello everyone, This is the official forum for the Supernatural Children’s Ministry. You can ask questions and talk together after you’ve created a login on the right.

    Post count: 5

    Thank you so much for joining us on this Forum! Thank you for your heart to participate in what God is doing with children around the world! I also feel that it is on God’s heart to connect Children’s Ministers globally. So, I hope that you will use this Forum to connect with others, share ideas, and to be supportive to one another, etc. ! It’s so wonderful to see what God is doing with children all around the world! Children are being activated to operate in their spiritual gifts at a young age! What do you see God doing with the children in your region?

    Post count: 3

    Hi Jennifer,
    Thanks for the resources. Looking forward to the online conference. The topics you are covering are all ones that God has been placing on my heart. I really want to learn how to lead children into the presence of God and teach them how to hear from God themselves. Having a relationship with God is so important and I pray that the Lord can use me in this way.

    Jessica Olivares
    Post count: 1

    Thank you Jennifer for making the online conference with Jodi, what she shared was really useful and practical!! God bless you all!

    Greetings from Guatemala 🙂

    Post count: 5

    Hi Mayra,
    It is so good to connect with you again! I feel sure that God will use you to help the children to be able to come into His Presence and develop a relationship with Him. Please let me know if the information that Jodi shared with help you with this!

    I am so glad to hear from you!

    Abundant blessings!

    Post count: 5

    Hi Jessica,
    I am so glad that you were able to join us! And I am so thankful that Jodi’s message was helpful to you and your work with the children in Guatemala! I have heard from Silvia about the work that you are doing. Thank you for being a blessing to the children!

    Post count: 3

    Hi Everyone,
    My name is Alison. It was a blessing to attend the online conference and it’s a blessing to have the opportunity to connect with others who are passionate about leading children into a personal relationship with Jesus and equipping them to fulfill God’s calling on their life. I currently am not involved in children’s ministry but I believe God wanted me to give up my job and go back to university and retrain to be an early childhood/primary school teacher and am believing the Lord will use me in evangelism with children in some way. If there is any wise counsel anyone could provide regarding this I’d be most greatful.

    Post count: 5

    Hi Alison!
    I am glad you are so passionate about leading children into a personal relationship with Jesus! I have done quite a bit of evangelism with children in outreaches in churches, neighborhoods, “colonias” in Mexico, apartment complexes, in parks, etc. In fact, that is how I met Pastor David, who was translating for us–I did a children’s outreach in the church where he was pastoring in Mexico. We are currently doing a Bible Club in inner city El Paso in an area called El Segundo Barrio where there is known to be a lot of gang influence. We are seeing the Lord encounter these children with His Presence. I have a heart for the “unchurched chldren.” The ones that no one is taking them to church to learn about Jesus. Before I retired, my secular job was as an occupational therapist in the public schools.

    Blessings to you, Alison, as you are following the Lord’s leading for your life.
    Love and blessings,

    Post count: 3

    Hi Jennifer,
    Thanks for sharing. The work the Lord is having you do in Mexico sounds really great. Praying the Lord will bless this work abundantly and that many of the unchurched children will come to have a personal relationship with Jesus and come to believe in Him as their personal Lord and Savior.
    Love Alison

    Post count: 5

    Thank you so much, Alison! I am looking forward to hearing your good reports also in the coming seasons!
    Love and blessings,

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